Career – Michael Loderer
Legally sworn expert for jewels, precious metals and precious stones
Vocational training
1982 | Graduate Engraving HTL-Ferlach |
1986 | Journeyman goldsmith |
1989 | Master exam goldsmith |
2007 | Certified diamond expert |
seit 2012 | FEEG European Certified Gemologist |
Vocational training
1983 – 1984 | Engraver, Fa. Aichwalder, Klagenfurt |
1984 – 1985 | Goldsmith, Fa. Vienna Jewellery, Johannesburg, South Africa |
1985 | Goldsmith, Fa. Schützlhoffer, Villach |
1985 – 1986 | Goldsmith, Fa. Bernardo, Mallorca, Spain |
1986 – 1987 | Goldsmith, Fa. Schützlhoffer, Villach |
1988 – 1989 | Goldsmith, Fa. Huppertz, Kapstadt, South Africa |
Vocational training
1989 – 2002 | Independent partner of the company “Die Goldschmiede”, Villach |
1989 | Emailleur and designer of Fa. Fabergé |
1995 | Member of the Master Examination Board |
since 2002 | Self-employment master goldsmith |
2008 | Legally sworn expert for jewels, precious metals and precious stones |
Widmanngasse 42 / 1. Stock
A – 9500 Villach
Mobil: +43 (0) 664 / 341 84 48
Telefon: +43 (0) 42 42 / 224 08
Email Adresse: loderer.michael@aon.at
Homepage: dieschmuckgutachter.at, diejuwelengutachter.at